Pedigree/Genealogy Charts
This space is used to publish member submitted pedigree/genealogy charts.
Instructions for submitting pedigree charts for this page:
Pedigree data should be original research and not charts copied from the internet.
Pedigree charts need to have a contact person and have either their email address or phone number.
The submitter gives Los Bexarenos Genealogical Society permission to publish the chart(s) on the Society's website.
The chart(s) should be either a 5 or 6 generation chart(s) with or without an index or a descendent chart. The chart(s) must be in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat format).
The Society does not verify submitted data. All corrections/discrepancies should be referred back to the submitter.
Submit chart(s) to Dennis Moreno,
The easiest way to generate a pedigree chart in PDF format is with a genealogy computer program. There are many for sale with the more popular ones being:
Personal Ancestoral File (PAF) - (This is a free program)
Family Tree Maker -
RootsMagic -
These programs are inexpensive, easy to use and are powerful tools in organizing personal genealogical data and notes. These programs can generate a large variety of genealogical charts and reports.