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Who We Are
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Founder Gloria Cadena
The Gloria Cadena Scholarship
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Bexareños Pins
TX01. San Antonio de Bexar, A Guide And History.
TX02. Bexar Archives Still At Bexar 1717-1836.
TX03. Genealogical & Historical Sources in the San Antonio Area.
TX04 . The consolidation of the following publications into one volume: The Borderlands Presidio, Tejano Genealogy Basics, Texana Geographical Index, & Cumulative Contents of the LBGHS Register.
TX05. An Eleven Generation Ancestral Chart of the Ancestors of Guadalupe Agapito Martinez.
TX06. A Guide For Researching Records Of Mexico In The I.G.I. On The LDS Website, Familysearch.Org
TX07. Brief History of San Ygnacio. (Texas)
TX08. Jose Antonio Zapata, A Borderland Hero, & The Elected Officials of Zapata County, Texas 1858-1986.
TX09. Jose Vasquez Borrego and the Hacienda de Nuestra Senora de Dolores.
TX10. Index to the San Fernando Church Baptismal Records 1731-1812.
TX11. Index to the San Fernando Church Baptismal Records 1812-1850.
TX12. Index to the San Fernando Church Baptismal Records 1851-1858.
TX13. Index to San Fernando Marriage Records 1742-1850.
TX14. Tombstone Inscriptions of San Fernando Cemetery No. 1. Located in San Antonio, Texas.
TX15. 1901 Parish Census of San Fernando Cathedral. Located in San Antonio, Texas. By Edward Trevino, Jr., 2001.
TX16. Baptisms 1854 to 1885 of the Graytown Church: La Capilla de Santiago (1854-1877) and Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (1877-1885).
TX17. Baptisms 1884 to 1897 of the Graytown Church: Nuestra Senora De Guadalupe.
TX18. Marriages 1854 to 1916 of the Graytown Church: La Capilla deSantiago (1854-1877) and Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (1877-1916).
TX19. A Brief Genealogical and Historical Survey of Early Families of Villa del Carmen en Medina.
TX20. Marriages of Iglesia de Nuestra Senora del Refugio, Dec. 6, 1863 To Oct. 19, 1872.
TX21. Marriages of Iglesia de Nuestra Senora del Refugio 1872 to 1893, Vol. II.
TX22. Marriages of Iglesia de Nuestra Senora del Refugio 1893 to 1910,Vol. III.
TX23. Deaths of Eagle Pass, Texas, Our Lady of Refuge, Book I, 1864-1907.
TX24. Memoirs of Early Texas. By Jose Maria Rodriguez. Edited by Federico Martinez.
TX25. History of the Revolution in Texas: Particularly of the War of 1835 & ’36.
TX26. Historical Memoirs of San Antonio de Bexar.
TX27. The Perez-Casanova Papers: The Sixteenth Founding Canary Island Family Of San Antonio, Texas.
TX28. The Estate Of Manuel Yturri de Castillo (1842) And Subsequent Legal Records Of His Descendants And Properties (to 1909).
TX29. The Travieso Family Papers: The Seventh Founding Canary Island Family Of San Antonio, Texas: A Compiled Genealogical Guide.
TX30. Annotated Baptisms 1789 to 1823 of San Agustin de Laredo. (Present-Day Laredo, Texas).
TX31. Baptisms of Eagle Pass, Texas, Our Lady of Refuge, Book I, 1863 to 1872.
TX32. Guia General y Directorio Mexicano de San Antonio, Texas 1924.
TX33. Comanche Massacre: The Council House Fight 1840.
TX34. The Confirmation Lists of St. Anthony Church, Elmendorf, Texas, 1919-1931 by Santiago Escobedo, 2008.
TX35. Censuses of Bexar: 1828, 1831, and 1834-35.
TX36. Baptisms of Corpus Christi Cathedral, 1853 to 1872. In present day Corpus Christi, Texas.
TX37. Toscano Family Genealogy, Part 1. Genealogy of Pedro and Regina Toscano Family.
TX38. Toscano Family Genealogy, Part 2. Genealogy of Pedro and Regina Toscano Famly.
TX39. Our Family: Genealogy of the Clemente and Gertrudes Martinez Family.
TX40. La Mission de San Andres, located at Rossville, Texas, 1896-1930.
TX41. Baptisms of Eagle Pass, Texas, Our Lady of Refuge, Book II, 1872-1875.
TX42. Baptisms of Eagle Pass, Texas, Our Lady of Refuge, Book II, 1876-1878.
TX43. Fifteen-Generation Genealogical Ancestral Report of Minerva Hinojosa Overstreet.
TX44. Mata-Torres Family Tree.
TX45. Iruega and Perez Family Tree.
TX46. Index to the San Fernando Church Burials 1744—1808.
TX47. Adelante, Siempre Adelante, La Historia de los Hidalgos de George Brackenridge High School, San Antonio Texas (1922-1956).
TX48 Baptisms of Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, Book III, 1878-1883 Eagle Pass, Texas.
TX49. Baptisms Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, Book IV, 1883-1886. Eagle Pass, Texas, by Armandina Galan Sifuentes.
TX50. Capilla de La Mission de Roma. Marriages 1853 to 1869. (Present-day Roma, Texas) Marriage Book No. 1 March 4, 1853 thru April 15, 1869.
TX51. Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church. Roma, Starr County, Texas. Baptism Book 1, March 20, 1853 to October 26, 1861.
TX52. Baptisms Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, Book V, 1886-. Eagle Pass, Texas, by Armandina Galan Sifuentes.
TX53.Bexareño Childhood, 1954-1956: The Red Scare, Book Burning, and Davy Crockett to the Rescue.
TX54 Baptisms of Eagle Pass, Texas, Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, Jan 1, 1891- Dec 31, 1895, by Armandina Galan Sifuentes.
TX55 Baptisms of Eagle Pass, Texas, Our Lady of Refuge Catholic Church, Jan. 1, 1896-Dec. 31, 1903 by Armandina Galan Sifuentes.
CA01. El Valle de San Buenaventura, Provincia de Coahuila, Origen Y Confirmacion de una Comunidad 1753-1777, & CA02. Beginnings of Community, San Buenaventura, Coahuila, Censuses of 1753 and 1777.
CA03. Libro de Entierros de Mision de Santa Rosa Nadadores 1718-1804.
CA04. Marriages 1777-1812 of San Fernando de Austria. Present-day Zaragoza, Coahuila and Baptisms of Presidio San Luis de las Amarillas de San Saba 1775-1781.
CA05. Baptisms of San Fernando de Austria (Present-day Zaragoza, Coahuila) Dec 1, 1756 to July 4, 1797.
CA06. Baptisms of Santa Rosa de Lima Church, Melchor Muzquiz, Coahuila 1805-1830.
CA07. Baptisms of Presidio del Santisimo Sacramento del Valle de Santa Rosa 1738-1804.
CA08. Baptisms of San Juan de Mata 1832-1855.
CA09. Baptisms of La Parroquia de la Villa de Gigedo 1853-1867.
CA10. Baptismal Records of the Presidial Company of Mission San Antonio de la Bucarelli 1788-1823.
CA11. Monclova: Hechos Historicos del Siglo XIX.
CA12. Bautismos 1684-1799 del Sagrario Metropolitano de Saltillo Catedral Santiago Apostol.
CA13. Births of San Pedro de las Colonias, Coahuila, 1873-1884.
CA14. Bautismos de San Isidro Labrador 1820-1901.
CA15. Matrimonios de San Isidro Labrador 1870-1902. Present-day Arteaga, Coahuila.
CA16. Matrimonios y Bautismos de la Hacienda de Santa Maria 1804-1845.
CA17. Nuestras Raices: Bautismos Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, Tomo I, 1840-1879.
CA18. Nuestras Raices: Bautismos Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, Tomo II, 1880-1899.
CA19. Nuestras Raices: Matrimonios de Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila, 1850-1899.
CA20. Censuses 1867 and 1875 for Santa Rita de Morelos.
CA21. 1875 Cenzo de Piedras Negras, Coahuila. By Donald May, 2007.
CA22. 1875 Cenzo de Guerrero, Coahuila.
CA23. 1875 Census of the Municipalidad de Nava. Present-day Nava, Coahuila.
CA24. 1882 Voters Census of the Municipalidad de Parras. Located at present-day Parras de Fuente, Coahuila.
CA25. Baptisms of Presidio de Agua Verde 1812-1854. Located in Zaragoza,,Coahuila.
CA26. 1869 Census of the Municipality of San Buenaventura, Coahuila, Mexico.
CA27. 1828 Census of Abasolo and the Haciendas of Sardinas, Santa Gertrudes and Menchaca, Coahuila, Mexico.
CA28. 1875 Census of Villa de Fuente, Gigedo, and Villa de Rosales, Coahuila.
CA29. Bautismos 1684-1799 Del Segrario Metroplitano De Saltillo Catedral Santiago Apostol.
CA30. Bautismos De La Parroquia De Santiago Apostol, 1688 To 1746 (Monclova, Coahuila).
CA31. Censuses of Candela, Coahuila, 1810, 1812, and 1813.
CA32. 1881 Census of the Municipalid de Nava, Coahuila.
CA33. Protocolos del Archivo General del Estado de Coahuila, Mexico Anos de 1698-1770, Vol. 1.
CA34. Protocolos del Archivo General del Estado de Coahuila, Mexico Ano de 1777, Vol. 2.
CA35. Protocolos del Archivo General del Estado de Coahuila, Mexico Anos de 1778-1800, Vol. 3.
CA36. 1879 Censo de Guerrero. Located at Present day Guerrero, Coahuila.
CA37. 1886 Censo del Colonia de Pan. Located at Present day Hidalgo, Coahuila.
CA38. Annotated baptisms 1786-1832 of Nuestra Senora De Guadalupe at Presidio San Juan Bautista Del Rio Grande Del Norte.(Present day Guerrero, Coahuila).
CA39. Bautismos 1738-1804 Santa Rosa De Lima, Melchor Muzquiz, Coahuila.
CA40. Bautismos 1805-1830 De Santiago Apostol (present-day Melchor Muzquiz, Coahuila).
CA41. San Juan Bautista, Presidio de Rio Grande.
NL01. Marriages of Monterrey, N.L. 1667 to 1740.
NL02. Matrimonios de Sagrario Metropolitano 1771-1776, Book I, Tomo 1.
NL03. Marriages of Sagrario Metropolitano Nov. 1776-31, January 1781, Tomo 2.
NL04. Marriages of Sagrario Metropolitano 1781-1791, Tomo 3.
NL05. Deaths of Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion 1802-1832.
NL06. Bustamante, Nuevo Leon, (San Miguel de Aguayo) Marriage Records and Family Information 1708-1832.
NL07. Censuses of Punta de Lampazos 1753-1818.
NL08. 1799 Census of Villa de San Juan Bautista de Cadereyta del Nuevo Reyno de Leon.
NL09. Baptisms 1757 To 1791 of Nuestra Senora de los Dolores de la Punta de Lampazos (Present day Lampazos de Naranjo, N.L.)
NL10. La Inundacion en Monterrey 27 y 28 de Agosto 1909.
NL11. Deaths of Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion 1833-1844. Vol II.
NL12. Baptisms 1791 To 1804 of Nuestra Senora de los Dolores de la Punta de Lampazos (Present day Lampazos de Naranjo, N.L.)
NL13. Slaves of Monterrey Nuevo Leon Mexico.
NL14. Matrimonios De Sagrario Metropolitano, Monterrey, N.L. May 7, 1791 To December 6, 1795.
CH01. 1768 Census of San Jose del Parral. Located in Hid.algo del Parral, Chihuahua.
DU01. Index to the 1778 Census of Durango, Durango.
TM01. Baptisms of Our Lady of Monserrat Catholic Church 1767-1799.
SP01. The Treaty of Guadalupe and New Mexico Community Land Claims. (GAO Report 04-59, 2004), 2007.