This page lists member queries for genealogical information on identified individuals or families. To place a query on this page send the query via email to Dennis Moreno, or if you do not have access to email, mail it to Queries, c/o Los Bexarenos Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 1935, San Antonio, TX 78297
Submitted, 4/19/2016, Stephanie Sanchez,
Stephanie Sanchez is looking for information General Antonio Fernandez Vallejo, ca 1700.
Submitted, 2/17/2016, Elijah Nora, Laredo, TX,
I found your e-mail on the Los Bexarenos website and I wanted to know If I could speak to someone who is familiar with Jesus Maria Guajardo also from the Candela region.
All my life, I have been told that my mother's mother (Dora Guajardo) was some sort of cousin to J.M. Guajardo. Dora's parents names were Gervacio Guajardo and Maria del Refugio Perez.
If you could please refer me to someone I would greatly appreciate it.
Submitted, 1/19/2015,
A researcher in Asturias is helping me to try to find more informatiion about the Flores Valdes family to see if they can find more about the parents of Rodrigo Flores Valdes who is the common ancestors to many of us in northeastern Mexico and south Texas. I want to get back to the researcher as soon as possible with any information from this side of the Atlantic that might help him make a connection. I would appreciate it greatly if any member in your organization who could get us more information about Rodrigo Flores de Valdes would contact me. The chart on the Index of the Marriage Investigations of the Dioceses of Guadalajara lists Rodrigo's origins and his parents, but it doesn't indicate a source for this information. Perhaps the original source of this information might contain hints to locate his family's roots back in Asturias. Whoever put together the chart must have this information. Thank you very much for all of your help.
Submitted, 11/13/2014, by Oscar Ramirez,
I am looking for information on Josefa de Leon. In particular I would like to know the names of her parents. I know that Josefa (my ancestor) married Guadalupe de los Santos on 26 Feb 1838 in San Antonio de Bexar. However it was a civil ceremony and does not list her parents. I have been unable to find a church ceremony record. There were two Josefa de Leons living in Bexar during this time period. One was listed in the Census Report of San Jose Mission, 23 June 1831 age 17 living with Francisco de Leon and Luisa Martinez. Another Josefa was listed in the San Fernando Church Baptisms, 1816, as the daughter of Ignacio de Leon and Manuela de la Garza. I wonder if someone has any information that would help me determine who are the parents of the Josefa that married Guadalupe de los Santos. I do know that Guadalupe and Josefa had a daughter named
Guadalupe de los Santos. The daughter, Guadalupe, married Miguel Ramos and were living in Wilson County per the 1880 census.
Submitted, 09/06/2011, by Mary Esther Zahradnick,
I am looking for information on Maximiano,Maximo, Maximiliano Diaz,I was told they were on a ranch in 1880 name Granjeno Hidalgo County, Texas,his wife Cecilia Diaz had two families one with Maximiano Diaz and the second with Fernando Gonzales they lived in Dilley,Texas.Cecilia died between 1906 and 1909.
Submitted, 02/22/2011, by Mary Esther Zahradnick,
On behalf of Richard Esparza who lives in California
Leandro & Benita Esparza 1840-1860 Aguascaliente, Mexico Anything
Teodomiro Esparza Villa Gonzalez Ortega Anything
Francisco Esparza Esparza 1840-1860 Aguascaliente, Mexico Anything
Agustina Esparza Zacatecas, Mexico Anything
Submitted, 08/06/2010, by Mary Esther Zahradnick,
Subject: Jose Jesus Fernandez, Laredo, Texas
A gentleman has asked me to research information about his grandfather on his mother’s behalf. At seventy-nine years old, she had only seen her father once at the age of fourteen.
The son and I have found the following information in Laredo approximately 1930:
Baptized Jose Jesus Fernandez, he was born on October 16, 1902 in Villa Garcia, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. He arrived in the U.S. with his parents in 1915. He married Maria Cleofas Rios on January 31, 1924 in Collin County, Mckinney, Texas. They had three children, Gloria F. Medina, Ysidro Fernandez (both deceased) and Ana Maria F. Montolongo.
(Jose) Jesus died in June of 1976, possibly in Guadalajara, but documentation confirm it was definitely Mexico.
Other information we have found:
Parents: Isidro and Daminia Trevino Fernandez
Address: 1916 San Bernardo Ave., Laredo, Texas
Children: Alfonso, Arturo, Carmela, Carolina, Enrique, Genoveva, Gustavo, Jose, Ramiro, and Salvador. We know Salvador and Genoveva were buried in Laredo.
Genoveva had a business on San Agustin Ave., possibly a beauty shop.
Her funeral service was held at San Agustin Catholic Church in 1938.
If this flyer can be circulated at any gatherings of weddings, funerals, or reunions, especially to people who have been long time residents of Laredo; we really need your help. My goal is for this woman to have some closure, perhaps a picture of her father, any information of his life, or possible if he a second family. My goal is to have documentation by Thanksgiving 2010. We greatly appreciate any assistance you may be able to offer. Please contact Mary Esther at 210-366-1086. My email is Or contact Adrian Castillo’s email is .
Submitted, 08/04/2010, by Michaele Burris,
Looking for birth-death dates and parentage for the wives and mistress of Juan Antonio ESPARZA b 1836 (San Antonio?) Texas; his birth-death dates/places; information on his child Jesusa ESPARZA; information on Lores ESPARZA.
1-Tomasa GUTIERREZ, born abt 1840, married 8 Aug 1857 to Juan Antonio ESPARZA. She died before 1881 when Juan Antonio remarried. Need her birth-death dates and parentage.
10 children.
2-Maria Guadalupe GALINDO, born abt 1857 in Monclova, Mexico, married 31 July 1881 to Juan Antonio ESPARZA. Need her birth-death dates and parentage.
7 children
3-Felipa de Leon, no clue as to birth, death or parentage. She and Juan Antonio ESPARZA had two natural children in San Antonio. Need her birth-death dates and parentage.
Jesusa ESPARZA born 20 Mar 1872, christened 21 April 1872 in San Antonio. Was she also adopted out? What became of her? Need her Marriage-death dates and any adoptive parentage.
Florencia ESPARZA born 23 Feb 1876, christened 16 March 1876, married George Arnold CHAVEZ 6 Dec 1900 in San Antonio, died 26 May 1951 in San Francisco, CA.; She was adopted by Louis ESPARZA (Juan Antonio's brother) and Lucinda Weaver.
Louis and Lucinda also adopted Lores ESPARZA, born June 1891; per 1900 census, father's birthplace unknown, mother's birthplace Ireland. Need her Marriage-death dates and biological parentage. What became of her?
Submitted by Mary Esther Zahradnick, saesther06@yahoo.comLooking for information on the following couple:
Porfiro Garcia and Teresa Martinez married in San Fernando Catheral in 1869, San Antonio, Texas. They had two sons. Julian Garcia married Trinidad Tarin and Enemencio Garcia married Simona Avila on 27 Nov 1892 in Graytown, Texas. Enemencio and Simona had several children.
Submitted by Michaele Burris, Cedar Rapids, IW,
Jose Francisco Nepomunceno ESPARZA b 27 Mar 1804 md 22 Oct 1828 to Maria Josefa FLORES.
Known children:
Rafaela ESPARZA b about 1831 d? md ?
Louis ESPARZA b 19Aug 1838, d 30 Aug 1915, Shafter, Presidio, Texas
Jose Maria ESPARZA b 6 Apr 1846 d 22 Nov 1846
Juan Antonio ESPARZA May have been a brother or cousin. He and Felipa de Leon were the parents of Florence ESPARZA b 23 Feb 1876, which Louis and his wife, Lucinda Weaver, adopted. They also adopted Lores ESPARZA b Jun 1891.
Looking for information on the ESPARZA-FLORES family, particularly additional children; where Juan Antonio fits in; and if there were any more adopted children for Louis and Lucinda.
Submitted by Gilbert and Yolanda Patino,
Juan Jose Sanchez Laredo ca 1810 Any Information
Sabastian Martinez Villa de Mina, N.L.(?) Any Information
Pablo Rosales Zacatecas, Zacatecas(?) Any Information
Submitted by Omar Codina,
Name Location Date Event
Luis de la Rosa Cameron, TX & Mexico 1865 - 1930 Birth, Death
Eufracio Codina Tepetongo, Zacatecas abt 1767 Birth
Submitted by Mary Esther Zahradnick,
Algueseva San Antonio, Texas 1920
Ramon, Serapio San Antonio, Texas 1900
Mat(r)as Silva San Luis Potosi, Mexico 1888
Martha Knight San Antonio, Texas 1900
Submitted by Michael Soler,
Blas Maria Herrera San Antonio, Texas
Candelario Villanueva San Antonio, Texas
Amado Villanueva San Antonio, Texas
Submitted by Maria O. "Vee" Gomez,
Candelerio Villanueva (Alamo-one of Juan Sequin Company)
Andrea Castañon Villanueva (1835?) Marriage Certificate
Blas B. Herrera
Guardo Family Laredo, Texas
Submitted by Emma and Roland Vela from Denton, Texas,
Leon Ecay Musquiz Coahulia mid-18th century All
Guadalupe Vela Cerralvo ca. 1830 Birth
Submitted by Viola R. Sadler from Anaheim, CA,
Domingo Castañeda & Rio Grandes, Nieves, Zacates 1700 all
Joaquina Guajardo
Arcadio Lazcano & Coahuila ca. 1830's all
Ma. Andrea Torres
Juan Arredondo & Coahuila ca. 1770's all
Josefa de León
Thomás Garcia & Nuevo Leon, Sabinas, ca. 1770's all
Ana Vicenta Martinez Villaldoma?
Submitted by James L. Salinas, 10819 Winter Crk., San Antonio, TX 78254, phone 210-767-9144 -
Antonio Salinas San Antonio, TX 1835 Birth & Baptism
Submitted by José Flores: - from Ferment, CA.
Tomasa Benavides San Ygnacio 1860's Anything
Gertrudes Benavides San Ygnacio 1860's Anything
Tomas Benavides Mexico&Texas ? 1830's Anything
Margarita Perez Mexico&Texas ? 1830's Anything
Submitted by Victor J. Dodier: - from Portland OR
Name Location Date Event
William R. Henry San Antonio 1862 Burial
Submitted by Manuel Guerra: - from Laredo, TX
W.R. Henry San Antonio 1840-1860 Any
Consolacion Urrutia San Antonio 1830-1880 Any
Antonio Bruni South Texas 1872-1930 Any
Submitted by Maria Tovares-Ashmanskas. - from Quincy, MA
Maria Roberta Margarita Espanza San Antonio, TX 26 FEB 1917 Death
Jose Maria Esparza & Ana Jacinta Briseno Saltillo, MX Marriage
Pablo Carvajal Villa de San Fernando 1821-1825 Death
Julian Perez Texas 1826-1836 Birth
Submitted by Sylvia López Valero:
López Starr Cnty, TX 1880
Valero Durncgo, MX 1900
Roach Duval, Cnty, TX 1920
Olivares Starr Cnty. TX 1890
Submitted by Alfred and Hilda Flores, of Houston TX at 281-481-0452
Pescinas Piotillos San Luis Potosi, MX 1910
Submitted by Irene Jones of Resselaer, NY:
Jesus Tejeda Martinez Creek 1874 Marriage to Maria Jesusa de los Reyes-needs the 1880 census
Submitted by Sylvia Ann Macus from 122 Comell, SA TX 78228:
Gallaedo Bexar 1700's All
Castillo Bexar 1700's All
Submitted by Jerry & Gloria Benavides from Dallas:
Guajardo Candela/ Monterrey 1667-1800
Amaya San Luis Potosi 1800-1865
Olivo South Texas/ Mier 1850-1913
Submitted by Arnold Molina from Benbrook, Texas:
Jose Ramon Leal San Antonio, Texas 1774 Birth
Jose Mario Leal San Antonio, Texas 1805 Birth
Juan Manuel Leal San Antonio, Texas 1835 Birth
Jose Mario Leal San Antonio, Texas 1834 ? Marriage
Maria Sinisovnia Ruiz
Submitted by Ruben C. Margarita P. Juarez at CE669, Devine TX 78016.
Francisco Faro (soldier) Bexar Marriage
Maria de Jesus Sanchez Bexar/ Laredo Texas
Submitted by Olivia Cruz Maldonado:
Cruz Atacosa, TX
Faz Atacosa, TX
Vasquez Atacosa, TX
Submitted byJose and Paz Guerra from Houston, TX:
Guerra Monterrey, MX 1700
Submitted by Reynolds & Vicki Delgado from Sugar Land TX:
Valadez Mapimí, Dgo. MX 1910 Revolution
McMunn Mapimí, Dgo. MX 1910 Revolution
Prince Mapimî, Dgo. MX 1910 Revolution
Submitted by Margaret W. Schunior from So. Houston, TX:
G. Schunior Matamora, MX 1848
I. Orta´zu Palafox, TX 1810
Flora (Florintina) De La Garza Texas & Mexico 1928 & 1859
Teresa Ortazu Palo Fox, TX 1816
Submitted by Albert & Connie Jimenez:
Jimenez Texas 1880
Ximenez Texas 1800
Gimenes Chon, MX 1700
Ramon Chon, MX
Submitted by Rafael & Gloria Barrera:
Barrera Texas Any
Ordaz Texas & Florida Any
Sauceda Texas & Washington State Any
Tienda Texas Any
Submitted by George Olivarri at
Olivarri Bexar after 1750
Olivarri Mexico before 1750
Submitted by Fernando Lawson Garica & Irene Slaughter Garcia, 8510 Timber Place, S.A. TX:
Neira & Garza Candela, Coah. 1850 All
Santos & ZuaZua Candela, Coah. 1850 All
Berlanga/ Doria Linares, N.L. 1800-1900 All
Guajardo/ Quintanilla Linares, N.L. 1800-1900 All
Submitted by Zelma Alderete Murphree, 4211 Treegarden, S.A., TX. at 210-333-4832
Maria Dorotea Perez ? Marriage
Xacome Texada 1800's Birth
Maria Ampara Menchaca 1800's Birth
Domingo Diaz 1700's Marriage
Submitted by Victor & Alex Baez of 2307 W. 12th Street, Austin, TX:
Juan Lorenzo Baez Satillo, Monterrey, Villa de Garcia 1725-1775 mayor, 1765-1766
Anna Francisca de la Garza Monterrey, Villa de Garcia 1750-1758 Marriage
Submitted by Gloria S. Cantu from Ricardson, TX:
Herrera, Victoria Atascosa County 1845-1910 All
Submitted by Tony & Barbara Sauceda from Chatsworth, California:
Guajado, David Saspamco/ Calaverz 1822-1845 Baptism
after 1922 Death
Jimenez, Ursilla Saspamco/ Calaverz ca. 1866 Baptism
4-08-1922 Death
Adelaida, Maria Gonzalez? before 04-1880 Baptism
San Antonio? 29April 1955 Death
Submitted by Selvia Guerra Trevino, of SA TX, Tel: 655-0226.
Nepomuceno Lino Trevino Cienega de Flores, N.L. c. 1800-1850 Marriage
Ma. Del Rosario Trevino Cienega De Flores, N.L. c. 1800-1850 Marriage
Jose Gumaro Guerra Saltillo, Coah. 1820 Marriage
Ma. Josepa Garza Saltillo, Coah. 1820 Marriage
Submitted by Edward de la Garza of SA TX, Tel: 445-1607
Jose A. de la Garza Mexico 1855? Birth
Eufemia Fernandez(^wife) ? 1877? Birth
Candelaria Hernandez ? 1890? Birth
Rafael Rios Chihuahua, MX 1892? Birth
Submitted by Estella De La Fuente of SA TX:
Cayetano Beltran Muzquiz, Coah. MX. 1845 Birth
Bernade Del Real Cocoltlan, Jalisco 1830? Birth
Victor Garcia Cocotlan, Jalisco 1860? Birth
Fabriela Ramirez Cocotlan, Jalisco 1855? Birth
Submitted by Tony & Dorelia Quintero of SA TX:
Carmen Fernandez Tamaulipas Marriage
Andres Quintero Tamaulipas Marriage
Submitted by Henritta Garcia Salter of Houston, TX, Tel: 281-445-0321
Lucinda Perez Hinojose Lampazos, N.L. MX 12-19-1869 Parents
Gregoria Hinojosa (Santa Ana??) Lampazos, N.L. MX Parents
Femin de la Garza Lampazos, N.L. MX b. 1810? Parents
J. Leon de la Garza Lampazos, N.L. MX b. 1794? Marriage
Rita Morales Rodriguez Lampazos, N.L. MX Marriage & Parents
Submitted by Yolanda and Gilbert Patino: patinogil@sbcglobal.netLozano (any) China, N.L.
Simon Rodriquez China, N.L.
Ysidora Zendejo China, N.L.
Submitted by Lupe and Aida Martinez: lupeml@satx.rr.comMA. de San Juan Guajardo from Mier, who was the daughter of Manuel Guajardo & MA. Dominga Pena and married, 22 Sept. 1777 at Cuidad Mier to Vicente Saenz– Need information on the parents of Vicente Saenz.
Submitted by Raymond & Esperanza Olvera:
Samuel White Eagle Pass, Tx. 1840's & up anything
Louis Moscatell Eagle Pass, Tx. 1870 & up anything
Eugenio or Francisco Olvera Eagle Pass 1870's & up anything
Luciano Barrientes Eagle Pass, TX late 1800's anything
Celestina Olivares Musquiz, Mex. late 1800's anything
Submitted by Donald May:
Adolfo Duelos Monterrey, N.L. 1900 All events.
Placida Salinas Duelos Monterrey, N.L. 1900 Death
Francico Valles Piedras Negras 1900 Death
Juan Francisco Salinas Piedras Negras 1900 Death
Submitted by Mary Esther Zahradnick,
Jose Pasacio Musquis, Monclova, Coahuila, 1780
Seeking information on birth. In a marriage it mentions that he was from the Hacienda Las Encinas, Jose Pascacio Ecaimusquis, married 21 Aug 1805 in Monclovia, Coahuila, Mexico. Later his last name was also spelled Musquis, Musquiz, Muzquiz.
Jose Maria Musquis, Monclova, Coahuila, 1849
Jose Maria Muzquiz, Guerrero, Coahuila, 1875 Birth
Augustine Muzquiz y Ramirez, San Antonio, TX 1903
Submitted by Mary Esther Zahradnick,
I am looking for information on my grandmother. Her name was Martha Rose Knight. She was born about 1889 and was married to my grandfather Cleto Algueseba in Boerne, Texas in 1905.They had son Sylvester William Algueseva on December 31 1911 Boerne, Texas. The last information I have on her is that she was living in Houston, Texas in 1941 with both of my parents. I would like to know where she is buried. Thank you for any help.
Submitted by Trevino, Jose G. & Mary D. 708 Villa Dr. Laredo, Tx 78245
950 722-3088
Josefa Rodriguez Vasquez- born 1885 died 1948 Laredo, Texas.
Submitted by Mr. Xavier R., P.O.Box 1485, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566, for the
following names and all events related to the names:
Submitted by Virginia de la Zerda of 1134 Schley Ave, San Antonio, Texas 78210 is
requesting the following family search:
Vela, Tomasa - Mier, Tamps., Mx. ca. 1795 Birth (parents-Jose de Jesus
Vela & Lorenza Alarcon
Gutierrez, Jose Ignacio - Mier, Mx. 1816 Marriage (looking for parents)
Lopez, Benito - Tamps. Mx. ca. 1813 Birth (looking for parents)
Lopez, Maria - Floresville,Tx ca. 1874 Death (searching for parents,
maybe related to Benito Lopez
Submitted by Tanguma, Karen & Robert,23110 Dragon Rock Rd., Elmendorf, TX 78112-6128
The following surnames are being researched:
Tanguma Mexico 1600-Present
Mendiola Mexico 1600
Guerrero Mexico 1600-Present
Quintero Mexico 1600-Present
Gongora Mexico 1600-Present
Submitted by Mr. Jesse Lopez:
Castillon Guerrero, Coahuila 1700's All
Rager, Editia & Frederick, PO Box 63708, Pipe
Creek, TX 78063-3708
want information on the surname Mata.
Henry & Catherine Melchor, 208 Towne Vue, San Antonio, Texas, 78213
Name Location Date Event
Guadalupe Montoya San Antonio, Texas 1896 Death
Francisco Anaya Beaumont, Texas 3/1904 Birth
Bitter, Susan 14534 Terrace Bend, Cypress TX 77429,
Name Location Date Event
Andres Hernandez Karnes City 1920 Death
Irene Jones, 62 Teliska Ave., Rensselaer, NY 12144
Name Location Date Event
Juan Rendon San Antonio Jan. 18, 1914 Born 1869-Need Obit Info.
Rita Carrera de los Reyes, Bexar 1911-1916 Born 1834-Need obit
Info-namely name of parents and where buried.
Herrera, Reynaldo J., 1158 Bethlehem, Houston, TX 77018-1352
Name Location Date Event
J.M. Herrera Salinas, Hidalgo 1895-1910
Monica Landa Salinas, Hidalgo 1895-1910
Rafael Alvarez Salinas, Hidalgo 1895-1910
Corder, Linda Chavez, 15233 Pebble Falls, San Antonio, TX 78232
Name Location Date Event
Caravajal Coahuila Any All
Valle Musquis, MX 1900
Frausto, Christobol Coahuila 1700
Chavez, Gil San Luis Potosi 1856 Marriage
Irene F. Senia, 146 Sendero Verde, San Antonio, TX 78261
Looking for information on the following family members:
Jose Luciano Naranjo Mier, Mexico 1850
Fabian Garza Los Saenz, Roma, TX 1870
Onesino Fierro San Antonio, TX 1900
Josephine Rendon San Antonio, TX 1900
Rafael O. Barrera
Barrera Texas ? Any
Ordaz Texas-Florida ? Any
Sauceda Texas-Washington ? Any
These family names were requested by Trevino, Jose G. Mary D. 708 Villa Dr., Laredo, TX, 78045
Ignacio Cerda Cruillas, Tamps., MX d. bef. Oct. 1889 Any
Francisa Leal Cruillas, Tamps., MX d. bef. Jul. 1889 Any
Roberto J. De Lachica, 1225 Cottonwood Dr., Brownsville, TX , 78520
Keukhoffs Saltillo, Coah. MX 1772 Birth
Allen Saltillo, Coah. MX 1700's Birth
Baudelia Mitchell, 124 James St., Boerne, TX 78006 830-249-3781
Looking for any information on
Elizalde, Francisco Neuvo Leon 1800