TX04 . The consolidation of the following publications into one volume: The Borderlands Presidio, Tejano Genealogy Basics, Texana Geographical Index, & Cumulative Contents of the LBGHS Register.
TX04 . The consolidation of the following publications into one volume: The Borderlands Presidio, Tejano Genealogy Basics, Texana Geographical Index, & Cumulative Contents of the LBGHS Register.
The Borderlands Presidio as a Source of Genealogical Records. Contains a list of troop rosters of Texas 1702-1845. Lists the names of the Presidios of Northern Nueva Espana, locations, maps and dates of operation. 18 page booklet, stapled, 2004.
Tejano Genealogy Basics. Contains San Antonio sources for beginning genealogists. 10 page booklet, stapled, 2004.
Texana Geographical Index Contains a list of Hispanic Genealogy materials in the San Antonio Public Library, Texana Department. 7 page booklet, stapled, 2005.
Cumulative Contents of the Los Bexarenos Genealogical Register. Contains Register contents by locality, lists of articles and Wills and Estates. Volumes I throughXXVII (1984 –2010). 20 pages, stapled, 2010. All four publications for one price.